Todd, you're forgiven

Feb 24, 2018,18:59 PM

for wanting to go to AMS to visit those fab museums! You might want to check their websites and get tickets in advance. Have a great trip!

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Heading to Europe early, prior to Basel. Any Suggestions?

 By: JToddH : February 23rd, 2018-06:37
En route to Basel, hoping to stop in Paris then travel to Brussels, Luxembourg and Amsterdam before heading to CH. I've been to Paris several times, but my first time to Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands. Any suggestions of "must see" places to visit? P...  

Amsterdam is a great city to spend some time if you like .

 By: Watchonthewrists : February 23rd, 2018-07:06
If you are there and have some time please let me know , would love to have a drink and talk watches with you 🤗

Let's do it! [nt]

 By: JToddH : February 23rd, 2018-07:25

Ok great just let me know 🤗 [nt]

 By: Watchonthewrists : February 23rd, 2018-12:03

Interesting, I‘ve lived in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg

 By: dedestexhes : February 23rd, 2018-07:07
But nowl live in Basel 😀. Not sure that Luxemburg is worth visiting, the capital is rather small and although pitoresque, not that much to see. I Would propose perhaps Ghent instead of Brussels. And for the Netherlands I think Amsterdam is a must indeed. ... 

Visited Belgium 3 years ago

 By: Joepny : February 23rd, 2018-07:19
Brussels is a cool town and there are charming neighborhoods to walk to the East & Northeast of Grand Place. If you have time to take a day trip, I would recommend Ghent, very friendly people there. I enjoyed it much more than Bruges. In the Netherlands I... 

Luxembourg is also not my favorite, I'd rather spend a day in Maastricht,

 By: raymond74 : February 23rd, 2018-07:32
not to big but picturesque and a few nice watchshops and I plan sparetime for a GTG there!

Ask five Purists and you will get 15 suggestions. 😆

 By: brauner : February 23rd, 2018-08:11
When will you arrive? I will be around Geneva between 10th and 13th.

Hello Todd

 By: Ambiorix : February 23rd, 2018-08:34
When in Brussels go eat at "le fin du siècle "and if the misses accompanies then take a look at Delvaux. Maastricht is the Sevilla of the north, imho, cafés alongside the Maas, and leon Martens jewellers for quality watches , and have a pint in "de postho... 

When in Brussels try the restaurant

 By: brauner : February 23rd, 2018-23:44 You must book in advance. It is very small. Our favorite.

Why always Amsterdam?

 By: wover : February 24th, 2018-00:31
Being a Dutchman let me recommend The Hague (Den Haag) and Haarlem over Amsterdam. Unless you wish to visit the Rijks and/or Van Gogh museums. Other Dutch cities that will deliver are: Den Bosch and Utrecht. Maastricht, as mentioned, is a worthwhile conte... 

For a first visit, Amsterdam "seemed" like a good choice.

 By: JToddH : February 24th, 2018-06:38
I do plan to visit the Van Gogh museum and possibly Rijks, depending on time. Perhaps on the next trip I'll have more time to venture out and explore the other areas mentioned. Thanks for the advice, in fact, because of input from you guys, I changed from... 

Todd, you're forgiven

 By: wover : February 24th, 2018-18:59
for wanting to go to AMS to visit those fab museums! You might want to check their websites and get tickets in advance. Have a great trip!

Thanks for the advice! [nt]

 By: JToddH : February 25th, 2018-11:06

I was recently in several of those cities...

 By: bar2020 : February 24th, 2018-17:35
I would definitely recommend stopping in Ghent. A charming town with a vibrant’s a short train ride from Brussels, and we actually enjoyed it more than Bruges. In Brussels, the Grand Plaza and it’s surrounding area is both visually impressive ...