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WristScan: Wow !! .. Lovely Threesome !

The last 2 for me, please and that No.3 Snoopy watch & Fuji-San picture truly is sublime, and also something I am sure, that makes you smile, in fact always, when you look at it !! - Chapeau !! HAGWE & Best PS: the Snoopy Fuji-San shot, almost needless to say, to me is a clear winner !..
By: hs111

WristScan: + 1 !! 👍

By: hs111

WristScan: Oh yes ! - What a series of hilarious Paris days and exciting watch tasting !..

I will always remember our stroll from the Jardin du Luxembourg into Rue Madame and this „treasure package“ we discovered there.. - But I also remember our mutual phone-calls, where you so kindly confirmed and advised me, ( even during congress sessions !) thus securing one of the most loved pieces
By: hs111

WristScan: Hello, my dear friend Abel !!.. Superb pics you share, whereby..

.. my fav is the last, almost artisan shot with the water drops on the PAM 425 ! - Bravo !! - Furthermore I had to smile with the green Kermin frog & the crown; great watch as well ! 😊👌 And last but not least the cool set-up of a pretty rare watch, of the Mare Nostrum still-life in the car-drive
By: hs111

WristScan: Hmmhh.. Let me see what to chip in to play..

😉 Although I didn‘t have the pleasure to have known Casey, I appreciated some of his comments and contributions to the Photography Forum - but no pics in that aspect, Sorry to say.. Either way I‘ll tip my beret to this gentleman !.. Here, as requested just a threesome of some pics out of my humble s
By: hs111

Horological Meandering: Sincere Congrats, dear Abel my friend !.. Thx KMII to highlight that achievement !!

More than 30k - Wow !! - Although what‘s in a number ? In fact quite a lot: among horological passion and always sublime photography, it‘s many contributions and fine & collegial comments with always friendly, yet passionate tonality ! To many more, my dear horological friend (and to some degree „tw
By: hs111

Patek Philippe: Well, I‘ll sign in for 5110 P..

In fact, I also did have the 5110 G, but since about 1,5 yrs I deem myself happy with my 5110 P ! I was lucky to „upgrade“ Thus, I am happy with my 5110 P In fact, Nico it was you who stimulated my choice already some 11 yrs ago ! Best, my friend 😊😊
By: hs111